Thornbury is a metal park with really fun transitions that you can go relativly high on (or more so than your average councill skatelight ramps) and really ghetto people about. There was a really cool long quarter that turned into a spine mini that also had a fly out all along the back of it wich was rad fun to ride! Tho, The park Was pretty ghetto and there were two middle aged council boys there with a sports bike in the park saying "eer" alot and the kids were all wearing trackies and nike air tshirts and had skin heads and about as many teeth in them as a jackal. hahahah.I am very funny arnt I!
So within five minuts of being there i see some ghetto kid ride up this big quarter pipe then his front wheel slid out and i just watch this kid on his front sliding on his face off the side of this ramp with his arms out. I started laughing a bit when the kid appeared to be ok and the crash was over, Then, He carryed on lying there and was like "I broked my arm!" I'm like "no you avent" And then Matt did that little laugh he does befor he is deadly seriouse and said "huhuwhat that looks preeet- tey bad man" and i was like "you seriouse?!" and then I went over and the kid is lead on his front still but his left arm had a clear step in it right after where his elbow was. Clearly he just broke the two bones in his forearm! So i ring the old ambulance and for once its not me going in it but then some kid goes "no his mum is saying don't call an ambulance becouse she'll have to pay for it? " Must have been Polish right?
We took some pics of us riding whilst the paramedics did there thing then we got the hell outa there befor it got more ghetto than it already was.
Yate was the next stop, We got out stuff out after laughing about the taxi driver we saw that was staring at me with no teeth and a fag hanging fully out his mouth lol like stuck to his lip!
As soon as we rode into the park i seen a very old friend i have known since i was 13 called Mike.
He was tearing around the place with his controlled strong style and you could tell he was definatly local. Mike was a treat to bump into.
Yate is more like your steriotypical bristol so there were many ghetto kids and alot of questions being asked again about if i can backflip.
I was loving hoping into the bowl then tearing ass round all the corners and pumping over everything and i loved trucking the jump box as it felt like basingstoke's box only a bit better.
Matt was doing MASSIVE tailwhips and some HOOON'IN 360's and I did some one handed 3 taps and a shit load of pedal spins cus,...well, Quite frankly i am a looser.
Some kid threw a jam donut and it landed in my hoody i had by my bag and i could'nt believe it.GUTTED. I did ask who threw it but all i got was a surrounding of kids and questions, The next thing i know my bike is in other kids hands feeling the weight of it rather than under my legs! I mean the bike under my legs not kids feeling under my legs you weirdo!
I did a gap off the jump box deck and into a spine over a drive way and i also did a truck to catch the bars underhand by accident.
We drove home and i have to say that was another day where due to Matt being there and taking me to these places i totally forgot about my stress issues and he made it a day i wouldnt forget.NOT GAY!
After this i rode Hutton skatepark and then rode the Corrination with Ben panting wich was a treat of a ride. I got home and my mum had a go at me and her boyfriend was looking at me all the time as if to tell me he's more of a man than me wich makes me laugh cus he goes to work then watches football. He does nothing else and he has clearly got issues with thinking he is a man. Oh well this isnt a bitch site....Or is it? lol hahaah
I wake up to the sweet sound of my mums boyfriend throwing things then shouting "thers nothing left to do cus we done it all, I'm getting pissed of that he does Nothing"
Right well actually, He coulda just said give us a hand and woken me up. But thats the thing about weston people, They just bitch.
So the day is not off to a good start tho i clean my room then i fill out and application form and ride 2 miles to go hand it in Then ride all the way home again to get my camera and go to my local park to pick up some money off Ollie who actually has let me down paying me properly twice and to shoot some pics of a chap named George Lippy.>>>
I known this kid for a number of years and my first memory of him was at the Corrination park doing trains with his friend and doing one handers, Can-cans and tricks as such. I actually remember telling my old friend James Stamp how good i thought he was.
Not totally sure how old he is but this is my first personality write up so who cares. He young bee-yatch!
Whilst at Hutton skatepark i took some shots of Jamie who is not affraid to send his limbs off and i also had a conversation with some very lovely underage girls who were 'gossiping' lots.
It seemed alot of kids there now are into gay micro scooters and i am not very happy about it but hay, Gay people are accepted these days!
It's 4:20pm, I roll home and i get changed and my bro and his wife come over with my new NEICE? Crazy shit i tell thee! I held a baby for the first time and its weird to think my bro is now a fully fledged 'DADA'
We all ate food in the garden then i went out again to the Corrination park to see ben as i was stressing about things.
Ben makes me laugh all the time if its not through his amazing riding capabilitys its through his unique comedic style he has.
I taught Ben how to tie a really decent knot for a tie Whilst in a skatpark wich was so super funny. Then we went street riding in a the weston universety campus and doged past all the security just to ride along a bench or two and me to ride down a ton of steps! Thanks Ben.
HOLY COW! It's 3AM I fully need to do these daily due to how long photos take to upload..SHEEESHE!
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