3ft jump box, Lots of ghetto kids and a flat tyre..
Hey there,
I'M TOTALLY cream cracker ed! I been writing out my new cv's today rather than going into Bristol and applying for jobs Cu's, Well i would look like a twat if I went into a shop with no cv wouldn't I?!
So after a full pasta meal, A cup of tea, Four downloaded songs and a ton of e-mailing and paperwork I am now ready to go ride Bristol.
I watch a bit more of Mtv's The Hills then i pop my ipod on and i grab my bike and roll out.With the wind totally in my face the whole way to Tesco I finaly get some food and as i get back on my bike, I see Kelli who is one of my ex girlfriends and I think she said hello in a faint way and I just smiled and carried on. I felt bad for not saying hello but it was nice seeing her and i am not going to sit there and talk 'small talk' to her Cu's its fake.It was nice to see her tho.
Anyways Matt calls me to say Bristol is shut!After getting livid about nowhere to ride i decide to go to my local skatepark, Hutton Moore. Tho more formally known as Mutton Whore. If you get that joke.
There were so many kids AGAIN asking me a billion questions and i suppose i ha
ve become a bit arrogant as think i need to be more polite about being told to backflip rather than being asked.
I was riding the small 3ft jump box pretty good with some supermans and some pendulums and what not and this nutter old skool chap came down a took it on a 360 where he basically ejected really late and then landed on his chest then face butted the floor.It was Gnarly!
He got straight up and laughed about it as i was like "shit mate you OK!" Here is a pic to show how loose but high he was going, It sums his riding pretty well!
Later there must have been about a stone of foundation between the like 18 jail bait girls on the ramps with there chav boyfriends taking up the park and playing football with a rugby ball. Matt Cable turns up and all i say to myself is "win".
He gets out and in no time he's blasting big turn downs and laughing at how ridiculous the sheer amount of chavs there were.
Matt had a few stupid crashes where he landed on his ass wen he shouldn't have and I landed on my back like fifty times trying to flair over my spine that's like 2 and a half foot tall. Fun Times.
Today was a good day tho at the end Ollie did some 360's on my old bike which he still needs to pay for!
Here are the pics! .JPG)
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