I'm not sure where I first met Isaac, But I am pretty sure since day one, me and Issac have hit it off like a tennis player. Whenever I think of Isaac its never usually about him off his bike, its usually a gnarly repaly of him doing savage tricks on his bike, his original style speaks more about him than anything else he does due to just how free he is riding aside from everyone else that i see ride.
Isaac's style at first will seems like a big sender with his hucked out double whip360's and loose as hell flairs, But, after soon you'll realise his riding is mainly dominated with what I like to call higher end tech tricks...Not your average nibble whip to footjam or ice to tap to footjam to blah blah to fakie but rather a huge bars to ice then bars back in on a massive quarter or a huge tap on a subox to late bars in. The way he does these tricks is what makes them so impressive as with every trick he does you will litterally be watching your heart pump infront of you. With every session you get to ride with Isaac you are left thinking "Isaac is the man".
I wish i could have a video of him dancing aswell cus he points his index figers in the sky with both hands and just makes shapes all night, so damn funny.
Here are some pictures wich he feels sums his riding up from his own point of view pretty well.
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