I was looking forwards to doing this event all week.The day came and I started my morning by microwaving an expensive fish as the power cut I had the night before totally f#cked my oven, And I had to eat right to make sure I was in prime condition for the event. Matt knocks at my door and i feed my rabbits and we get on the road, plug my Ipod in, And let loose on the story telling. We were both as exited as school kids on Christmas as neither of us had rode and event in a while and Matt even more so.
We stop at a petrol station where we got us some "Pepperami FIRE STICKS" and seeing as we wanted to pack the day out with shredding all we had in the car was my huge bottle of orange squash with glucose tablets and 8 tea spoons of sugar in and Matt had a few bottles of Lucozade and I also had other energy drinks.Any ways we munch down on the 'FIRE' sticks and we are both like "that's not that bad" but then like a slap to the face my mouth set on fire and it felt like I was breathing lava and Matt was also gasping for air at how hot it was. So naturally we start sipping our drinks to cool down our melted mouths and little did we know that after each sip the burning came back with a vengeance and so in no time we have both finished our drinks. Then... The ENERGY drinks kicked in and we were only half way there! So for the rest of the ONE AND A HALF HOURS of the trip we were both buzzing our balls off! Next time to pack water :)...And to man up to hot food.
We ended up getting there and Matt had a puncture which sucked and I went and sorted out our tickets to ride for free and to say hello to my boss and the guy who put the event on Mason Smith. Thing is he's at the age he is (old) and he still has a massive smile on his face and puts on an event for bmx riders in such a harsh time of year (economically). And shows everyone a good time and gives away half his shop!Mason is the man (brown tongue over).
I padded up and it was not that busy and the whole park had changed allot since I had last been there as they had a new spine mini bowl thing and new jump boxes and a new 9ft mini that was so good to air..And a fine tuned street course. I dropped into the spine mini bowl and did a hand plant and and few tricks right of the bat that I was chuffed on and from then I knew I was in for a good day.
Whilst the mini ramp comp was on we went to the foam pit room to have a quick go and I was making funny motorbike noises as kids dropped in and flew into the foam trying whatever they were trying.I sorted out my superflips out a bit and Matt did some stupid no foot cans to late tailwhips that looked awesome. Next thing I knew Jack Marchant, Luke Marchant and Jeffries and co were all there in the jump box room shredding it up even if jack had a bright blue mouth and lips from a neon slush puppy hahaha. Was so good to see everyone and specially Jeffers dicking around getting punctures and stuff as the comedy never ends with him, even when you look at him he's doing something funny or outrageous.
Check his blue mouth click the pic!
Bob's comments
mc cooper
The panel?
I signed Matt
up to do the jump box comp and he didn't believe me at first but he did eventually when his name got called up and he had to drop in. All tho he has not been on a bike in that long since 4 years ago he shut it down with a huge 3 whip on the box as clean as a whistle blown by a cheer leader and then did the most spectacular 720 I have and will ever see on a box. Literally. He didn't move his head or stem shag and landed both wheels at the top and you couldn't even hear him land! Matt ended up getting 4Th out of all the sponsored kids that ride everyday and ride for the win.Stoked.
Myself, well I told a few jokes about giving me the prize for the jump box comp Cu's I already won and surprisingly i did a frontflip, A flipwhip on the box and did a superman backflip on the resi that I literally just slid out out and when they called my name for first place I was loving my w.k.d side considering Aaron Nicholson did a triple whip and a double whip 3 and got second. After all the prizes me and Matt got it looked like we had robbed a bike shop!
One thing I did wonder tho after watching Mason ride is why more people do not ride front brakes? They are super fun and you can't argue that, and doing a nosepick is a dam sight better looking that a stinky footjam.
I stay up till about 3am fitting my new forks and I have to say they look a treat and due to all the intense energy drinks and high sugar content I had taken in that day I did not sleep till like 5! Fun.
Man I sure did not want to set my alarm for 9am but for some reason I did and I felt like actually taking a whole day sleeping...But I got up anyways to a phone call from Ben saying to be ready for 11 as we were going to head to the Bristol street jam and go from there.
Well 11 rolls around and my old friend Mike shows up and cracks some jokes and acts like a doofus and then we head to town to try and sort his brake. To cut a long story short we ended up not being able to find a spring for his fly brake so he buys a whole new brake and I ended up setting that up for him and by then after more phone calls from Ben it's 2pm (not the original 11am) and we all meet at my house and get going to Bristol. Along the way I told Mike about the Corby jam and asked him what he'd been up to and stuff and he started playing his gangster music like he always does and stupid songs that are super cheesy. We had to stop so Mike could have a toilet break which included me throwing a wet floor cone into his cubical whilst he was dumping and some water.
I am his prodigy.
When we got to the event it was rammed with street kings like Scott Dichburn and Paul Ryan(bombhead) and they were laying down trucks and 540's down the step down and it was an absolute treat to see Paul after almost a year. Ben gate crashed the event and did a hop Saran wrap down the step down and wowed the crowd...It was fking awesome.
Crucial were responsible for a large part of the jam I understand so thanks guys for that.
Later on Ben placed a table on its side and hoped over it so I thought I would do the same.I didn't clear it and next thing I know I am face grinding across the floor on my face making sparks with my teeth!
I tryed to put on I was fine but it turned out after seeing a medic I did my self a treat and grinded a fair bit of skin of my hand and totally smashed my bad shoulder in.(MORE ON THIS STORY TO COME!)
Ah well that did not stop me using my arm for some handplants at Motion where we next went for a private session for Dan Shepard's birthday. Dario from the states who charitably took us around a few parts of America and took us under his wing for 12 days is over here for a few weeks to visit and stunt it up. It was the first time the whole local crew were all together and it was awesome.
Del's flair are super smooth :)
The wifeys :)
All the guys that worked at Motion had bb guns and Some bb gun fun happened and some red bulls went down my throat and we all finished of the day nicely. Mike took me home and now I am sat here feeling the sorness of my burns and cuts and I cant do the washing up because my arm won't lift so I'm filling in my website (sorry for the no posts for a while!)
See ya again soon!
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