Waking up around 10am, getting In a shower for a while then cook me up some stir fry Is my usuall way to start a day.But today after seeing some really crappy film called 'turbulence II' I called up my dear friend Laura whom I have not seen in a while and wait for her to knock knock at the door.
As you can see I kained mine down befor a good shot could be taken !
The door bell rings and startles me, I answer the door and there she is looking so so good.
We had a nice strol down the beach and I took pics
We walked about town and looked at some shoes and jeans then went to the sea front in search of an ice cream.
Some girl walks out this shop with the best looking ice cream i ever did saw so i say to Laura lets go there! We walk in and the guy behind the counter was so nice i couldnt believe it or know what to say back to him after such polite comments. Anyways he has this machine and it makes the flavours and pushes out the 'whippy' cream with coloured sides depending on the flavours you have. I am telling you I will never find an ice cream like that, It was thick and creamy and just the best. CHECK EM OUT!
Then we went and harrased some cows then our day came to its end. Thanks for a truely relaxed day Laura :)
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