Cabot circus...

Today I went to Bristol with Laura to look for jobs and genrally have a wander. I love how the people in Bristol happily smoke weed in bussy public areas and don't even try to hide it and the sheer amount of dred locks there are makes me chucckle like Mutley from Wacky racers.Bristol is culture central.I mean to be fair the amount of diversety, Graffiti and uniquety there seems to be makes the place actually quite beutifull to be, In a strange way.
Funny that I thought I was going to be able to see most of Bristol in a few hours but after 2 hours passing and were still in cabot circus i realise this is going to be alot longer than i thought!
Cabot circus is this nuts massive shopping estate were there are escalators and lifts but its all outdoors! on 3 levels! Annnnnd, Is coverd by this massive glass roof! It's nuts. They got everything from H&M to poundsaver in there and it costs over £10,000 to run the car park everyday! The main funny story of the day! Ok its rush hour and were on our way home so me and Lrah decide to take my rout home as it would be less trafficy? Well we go past this road that has been closed off and we see 2 ambulances, A smashed car up against a railing, And a man on the floor with paramedics round him about 20 foot from the front of the car!"HOLY POTATOES!" Then after realising we had driven the wrong way we drive back past the accident and as we drive past the injured man on the floor he just gets up like nothing has happend and just walks along laughing...Only then do we notice the spot light set up on the crash and a few cameras, It was only a scene for casualty being filmed!Boy did i feel like an idiot. Anyways the day was nice and i got a few cv's out and it's been raining so sorry for lack of fun time storys! The average corner in Bristol..Though you'd enjoy this random picture?

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