Hitting it hard. working hardly.

Hey chumps, Been busy slacking to be honest; set up a bussines card and I need to sell everything I own other than my bike and my clothes and Ipod. Other than that its all for sale so if you think I may have something you want then ring me cus Id love to hear from ya's.Anyways this is a blog and not the admag so Ill get back to it. I Broken my shoulder and shuffled my virtibrea in my neck also known as a little part of your body called the spine! I had a few videos on the ride site a few weeks ago and Its bumped up my prestiege a fair bit after recieving 30 thousand veiws after 2 and a half days! HERE IS THE VID.
I was living above a car body shop the time this was filmed and it does sum up my time in newport. Getting by and riding. Nothing else. Here is the B-roll tape.
I am also currently working on a dvd for My friend that works for Mpora called 'Sam Baskett I known Sam for about a year or so now and up untill we started hanging out I always thought he was super quiet but he is one of them guys where as soon as he is used to you, You can't get him to shut up; Just like me! This is one of the reasons Sam is so good to work with because he will always tell you whats up and what he is thinking and it helps you get the shots you really have in mind. Here Is something Sam made in just an evening after hanging out with me to help cover some of my riding for the soon to be released "SOUTH WEST" dvd.
It is true that I totally should not be riding whilst I have broken body parts and scraped away shins but to me this is another dvd to look back on and think "Fuck yeah those times were awesome" so its all worth it.

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